Sunday, September 11, 2005

Detroit- Community Data Connection For You!

There is a website for all of you data hounds that is growing and represents the city quite well. Primarily for groups that seek information for their needs, Data Detroit aims to share information for the good of the community. There are maps of all kinds to zoom in on, detailed reports, and plenty of informative links to quench your Detroit loving thirst! DetroitBazaar applauds this venture and encourages you all to visit. You need to use IE6(Internet Explorer 6 or above) for now, but hopefully it will support other browsers in the future. Hope you enjoy!

The following is from the site:

Maps - ...Interactive Maps based on your needs, or browse Quick Maps of common data requests.
Reports - Convenient reports gathered from a variety of sources: government, academic, and institutional.
Data Sheets - Community and Neighborhood data tables covering a wide variety of topics

Peace to you,


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